effects of colour and music on your calmness

Effects of Colour and Music on Your Calmness

The post on Scents and Accessories That Create Calm talked a lot about the benefits of controlling your environment in order to reduce stress. Whether it’s decluttering or adding scents to the room, there are things you can do to make your immediate space more soothing.

This post will focus specifically on two of these things and go into greater detail about their benefits. Colour and music can make a big impact in helping you to create a calm and soothing space. Let’s take a look at how it works.

effects of colour and music on your calmness

Serene Surroundings

How your surroundings look each day plays a huge role in how you feel. If you’re surrounded by visual chaos and mess, you’re going to feel wound up. That’s why removing clutter is important in your journey to feeling calmer. However, you can take it even further by intentionally creating a relaxing area in your most-loved spaces. Paint and décor are relatively easy to change in order to create the effect you desire, and music is something you can use to immediately enhance your environment. The impact of such things is greater than many of us realize.

Colour is Powerful

The study around the psychology of colour keeps revolving. It’s big business, actually. Marketers, advertisers, and designers use colour all the time to influence the decisions of the public. Different colours have been shown to create corresponding moods. You can use that knowledge to set the tone for your beloved space.

In this post, I’d just like to share a few colours that are known to promote calm. Shades of blue are known to promote a cleansing effect for the mind. Choose soft and neutral hues for the best effect. If you want to bring a touch of nature to your room, go for a yellowish or beige green. A clean, bright white may be a good choice if you seek to provide structure to a space that’s feeling out of control. Violet is a nice shade for promoting balance and peace, while pink tones are tranquil and soothing.

Music and Mood

Ever heard of “Music soothes the savage beast”? It is for a good reason since music truly can have a remarkably calming effect when you’re feeling cranky or stressed out. One of the reasons music is so powerful is its connection to our emotions. The right music can instil feelings in us simply through a song. It’s also been shown to have an effect on physiological functions.

Music can influence our heart rate, pulse, and blood pressure. It can lower levels of stress hormones in our bodies. Slow, quiet music is usually best for inspiring a calm mood, but you can experiment to find what works for you.

Go ahead to try using colour and music to directly affect your mood. You could make this a weekend project to paint your bedroom walls a calming bluish-grey while listening to your favourite soothing tunes?

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